One Revolution
Per Minute
With AP Sheshy

One Revolution Per Minute (aka 1RPM) aims to provide clearer information about multi-sport and endurance sports to current and prospective athletes and coaches. It covers topics from training, nutrition, and juggling life and sports. The main idea behind 1RPM is to make sports such as triathlon, swimming and cycling seem less daunting and to encourage more kids and young adults to go out there and conquer their goals.
AP Sheshy
Hi! My name is Anna and I'm an athlete and a new industry professional. In 2018, I decided to dedicate more of my efforts towards endurance sports, primarily triathlon. While triathlon is a big part of my life, I still have to balance it with work, and non-triathlon hobbies (yes, those do exist). Thanks to the support of my friends, colleagues, coaches, and family, I'm still able to roll forward
one revolution at a time.
Recent Races
70.3 Worlds
Boulder 70.3
Next Race: TBD (E-Racing Season Coming Soon!)
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Check out my Malibu Recap Video Here!
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Follow @apsheshy on Instagram for more photos
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Find more videos through @1RPM by APSheshy on YouTube

Transition bags get pretty heavy with all of the gear and nutrition involved. Thanks to the help of these sponsors and affiliates, I'm able to keep up with my training and keep pushing past my limits.
To prevent severe mid-ride or run bonking, I make sure I bring enough natural energy with me. That's why I love Honey Stinger gels. The gels I use are made from organic honey and they help keep my blood sugar up during my sessions and races without having to chew anything. Learn more about Honey Stinger by clicking on the logo. #sweetentheburn
If you're interested in sponsoring, use the Contact Box below.